Living and Writing in The Country—By Angela Leuck

In April 2020, we invited writers in Quebec to submit a story of a single day during the strange, uneasy time of coronavirus and pandemic, of social distancing and self isolation, of lockdown and quarantine.

We’re thrilled to announce that these stories have been gathered in Chronicling the Days: Dispatches from a Pandemic (Guernica Press). To learn more and buy the book, please visit

Please also join us on the QWF FB Community page, and let the authors know if their words resonated.

“We’re thinking of moving to the country,” I told mystery writer Louise Penny when I bumped into her at the Knowlton Literary Festival in 2010, adding that my husband and I weren’t sure if it was the right thing for our writing careers. Penny was enthusiastic: “Do it,” she said, “while you can!” A few months later, we bought a 200-year-old farmhouse in the tiny hamlet of Hatley.

To read the rest of the story, please support our community and check out Chronicling the Days: Dispatches from a Pandemic

3 thoughts on “Living and Writing in The Country—By Angela Leuck

  1. A breath of fresh air, Angela. Thank you! As a former Montrealer and a frequenter of some of the writing groups you mention, and others you don’t, I can attest to the vibrance of the Townships writing and artistic scene. I have lived 25 years in “the forgotten Townships” – even further east than your garden of Hatley – and I consider it a precious secret that living close to nature and less frenetically nurtures creativity in surprising ways.
    Thoreau wrote, “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.”
    To live deliberately…


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